Okay, I Believe You... But My Tommy Gun Dont - Brazil Eldorado - 240g
Okay, I Believe You... But My Tommy Gun Dont - Brazil Eldorado - 240g
Okay, I Believe You... But My Tommy Gun Dont - Brazil Eldorado - 240g
Okay, I Believe You... But My Tommy Gun Dont - Brazil Eldorado - 240g

Lyrical Coffee Co

Okay, I Believe You... But My Tommy Gun Dont - Brazil Eldorado - 240g

Regular price £10.00
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This coffee is part of our exciting, new, themed range.

It's a beautiful arabica coffee with notes of mango,  chocolate and hazlenut, the aroma will fill your house and life with joy.

It's a great way to kick start your morning, it's the reinforcement you need to tackle all your daily tasks and aspirations. You may wake up and feel motivated, confident and ready to smash the day, well....

"okay, I believe you... but my tommy gun dont"

Is the caffenated insurance policy you need!! 

Origin: Brazil

Region: Alto Mogiana Mineira

Estate: ElDorado

Farmer: Laerce Franca Faleiros

Altitude: 1,205 masl

Varietal: Red Catuaí

Certification: 4C, Rainforest Alliance, Premium Cup of Excellence

Processing: Honey, pulped natural & natural

Tasting Notes: Medium acidity with aromas of hazelnut. Really sweet & fruity with strong notes of mango and chocolate.


More about this coffee

The farmer Mr. Laerce Franca Faleiros has been working with coffee for more than 55 years. He is married to Mrs Maria Lucia, Vilhena, daughter of Mr Vilhena. The both families, Vilhena and Faleiros are entrepreneurs and have a very long tradition of producing great coffees.

Today the farm is managed by Mr Laerce's son Elvis, he is the second generation and his whole life has been in the world of coffee. He wants to leave a legacy for his children through sustainable production, looking for quality coffees and sending better coffee direct from farm for the most demanding customers. People who think special will make special coffee.

He started with the fermentation process 6 years ago in 2014 at the beginning of this wave in Brazil. High quality was of the utmost importance and they tried it with lots of options including lemon, wine tangerine and other incredible fruits.

The natural processed coffees in all 7 farms of the Eldorado group have intensely sweet flavours. Honey process is also used which helps with the intensity of the sweetness and amazing caramel notes. 

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